
In parallel with carrying out the project’s objectives, the following main results have been foreseen:

  • EXTOR Interactive map: exchange of success stories and stronger awareness of current trends in rural tourism. The interactive map is based on the collection of EU success stories and on the analysis of VET needs in the field of rural tourism, in order to set common guidelines for the renewal of existing training and educational programmes.
  • Kit for VET Providers: VET offer renewal through a common framework. Based on the initial mapping of EU success stories and current trends in rural tourism, a common framework for VET renewal will be created, inspiring an innovative training programme that will be tested with the target groups and enriched with a kit for VET providers.
  • EXTOR e-Platform: a customised online training programme and a kit for VET providers, supporting the upskilling of rural entrepreneurs. It includes several interactive functionalities for e-learning and communication with a broad range of different actors, offering a central hub for communication and networking.
  • DigInRur: a tailored online showcase enhancing the digital marketing skills of rural workforce. It includes a digital showcase of local products/services, VET offer, in the field of sustainable rural tourism.
  • EXTOR Community: a network connecting different key-stakeholders, enabling them to raise questions or notify specific problems in their rural area. New multi-actor channels for improved communication, networking and digital marketing will emerge, ensuring the project sustainability.

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