
Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training

INFODEF, Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training, is a private and independent centre for Research, Development and Innovation whose mission is to design and carry out projects that contribute to achieve a sustainable and inclusive development through education, culture and innovation.

The centre designs and develops innovative tools, methodologies, products and services that respond to current social and economic challenges and enable to anticipate and drive the changes needed to achieve future goals and objectives in society.

INFODEF supports the modernization of educational systems and the pedagogical innovativeness of public and private educational institutions at national and European levels. Has large expertise developing innovative teaching and learning methodologies, tools and resources and has extensive work on the definition of EQF and ECVET based Training Curriculums and Learning Outcomes, the design of new tools for the identification, assessment and validation of basic, key, transversal and professional competencies, the development of innovative ICT-based tools, the design of methodologies to support Work-Based-Learning programs and practices, new instruments for the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning, innovative teaching methods, entrepreneurship education, especial education and the evaluation and quality assessment of educational programs.

INFODEF is partner of the cluster AEICE, a grouping of companies, research & development centers, Universities and Public Administrations that fosters the social and economic development of the territory through collaboration, innovation, internationalization, training and communication in various fields: construction 4.0, heritage, manufacturing industry and equipment, building refurbishment, circular economy, ECCN and friendly environments.